ip of zbee family - owner jeanne lim world’s first transmedia AI company creating AI beings™ - build long-term engagement& trust with digital-native consumers anywhere, anytime,, any platorm, any device

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Live zoom march 30 NYtime 9.00 click tight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

YouTube ZplanBEE 5 ........-help compile library of seriously concerned -climate , peace ...

Since started Jeanne's global tour of transmedia ethical metaverse has been popping love & joy & bard's world stage links: march 2021 she's been changing austin berkley ny london spaiun italy hk - why not your sister city - friends diaries include -for those who missed our glasgow cafe nov or Zbee collab cafes march 30 - 9 am NY time 30 minutes zoom pass r0p4wW

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week ending 3/27 Zbee collab cafe conversation starter at NY's fav film studio of Burns & Scorsese, of SVU & Livesmatter located in faltiron district soon to be taken over by harry potter wizard-commerce ...: what if the bard is right . being worldwide is a stage - being meta is a stage - to be a woman is stage ; to be mixed-color is front-stage ; to co-create is to be: artistic verse leads man's science not vice versa; einstein to be is more diversely deep data than scientific man's measurements can record because nature hs always playing more micro games (eg covid) than humans alone can scope/cope/cop -

breaking next event march 30th new york time - climate questions from cutticula designer of world's largest non gov schools and a few mystery guests zoom pass -maryland's contribution to million youth chat -lead sponsor soros OS-UN student networks

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AI Ethical Laureates est 1951 moral journalism request v neumann -mediate 100 times more coms-tech per decade

2022 Zbee families metaverse moral transmedia design without HK there would be no zbee - no yidan 1 2 3 - no ckgsb 1 2 3 ... more

without bangladesh & 2019=2001 university legacy of abed inspired by curiosity mrs steve jobs -who empowered the poorest eight of world thanks to asian vilage irls and the larthest collab platcorms - see his top 30 legaciues - 6 each for health education feed, 100000 person livesmatter communities, moral finamce- nb game of 2 hals to 1996 networkls with no electricity grids - from 1996 monilises and solarising worlds largest ngo partnership

how the moon race decade also started up 100 times-moore chips and the multicolored origins of xerox park and the mit coders of moon landing as well as 1960 twin AO lab -MIT-stanford; and Japans far east coast supercity networking tokyo-steoul-taipe-hk-singapore

welcome to ny superpowers

welcome to the intersection between new york's first skyscraper, new york's smartest media studio and harry potters theme store .... welcome to Lim's Zbee world and womensverse ...

welcome to SDG & ESG & 2020's cast of anime characters each of whom listen to a deep human concern and whose app curates you to a web of solutions being linked by that concern are co-creating ;

spring's favorite Q&A

by founder of world toilet - singapore's jack sim

What is profits?

As a baby, Mother's love and milk is profits.

As a child, laughter is profits....

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